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Butterfly Image

"Spotted a rare species of butterfly near Ladies View. Its vibrant colors added an extra touch of wonder to an already stunning view of the Killarney Valley."

Yuki Suzuki

Tokyo, Japan
Orchid Image

"Recently observed a distinctive species of wild orchid in Muckross Gardens. Its delicate petals and unique patterns added a touch of natural elegance to the serene surroundings."

Michael Anderson

London, United Kingdom

"Came across a fascinating group of bioluminescent mushrooms during an evening stroll in the Muckross Forest."

Antonio Silva

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

"Spotted an elusive fox exploring the meadows near Ross Castle. Its agile movements and fiery fur added a sense of wilderness to the tranquil landscape."

Alice Thompson

Edinburgh, United Kingdom

"Encountered a rare species of dragonfly by the Upper Lake. Its shimmering wings and vibrant hues created a captivating display against the backdrop of the water."

Leo Martinez

Barcelona, Spain
Swans in the lake

"Witnessed a pair of nesting swans by Muckross Abbey. The graceful movements and serene beauty of these swans added a poetic touch to the historical setting."

Eleanor Turner

Dublin, Ireland